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Clean your windows the eco-friendly way

Eco-friendly cleaners, made with essential oils and plant-based ingredients, will put you in the right mood to tackle even the most tedious household chore

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IQ glass cleaner

iQ glass cleaner

iQ glass cleaner comes with a refill cartridge. When the bottle is empty, just fill it with tap water, insert the cartridge and voilà: another full bottle. (Starter kit, $6, 690 mL)

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Eco mist glass cleaner

Eco mist glass cleaner

Eco mist glass cleaner can be used on chrome and stainless steel, and is made from plant-based ingredients. ($4, 825 mL)

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J.R. Watkins natural home care window cleaner

J.R. Watkins natural home care window cleaner

J.R. Watkins natural home care window cleaner is made with lavender and rosemary oil, and other plant-based ingredients ($6, 710 mL)

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Homeade window cleaners

Homeade window cleaners

• Club soda: Fill a spray bottle for easy spritzing.
• White vinegar: Combine one part white vinegar with four parts tap water in a spray bottle.

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