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5 healthy things to do during Earth Hour

This Earth Hour turn out your lights and use that hour to do something that will not only help the planet, but benefit your health as well

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1. Meditate

Earth Hour offers you a great excuse to disconnect from stress and take a moment for yourself. In addition to turning off the lights, switch off your television, computer and cellphone, and use this hour to relax in a meditative state. By powering down, you’re allowing yourself to reboot and reenergize both mentally and physically. Meditation helps to relieve stress and tension, and has even been found to help lower blood pressure.

If you’re new to meditation, and don’t think you’re ready to sit still for an entire hour, do something else that relaxes you, such as soaking in a warm bath or sipping a cup of tea.

Regardless of which relaxation method you choose, you’ll be ready to tackle the rest of your week as it comes, while giving Mother Nature a break as well.

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2. Participate in a candlelit yoga class

Get moving during Earth Hour by stretching your muscles and your mind in a candlelit yoga class. Several yoga studios offer a one-hour, silent yoga class in honour of Earth Hour. Most also waive the usual fee in place of a suggested donation which often goes to charity.  Moksha Yoga has studios across both Canada and the United States, and most hold Earth Hour classes. Visit their website to find a studio near you.

Alternatively, you could hold your own silent, candlelit yoga session at home. Check out our ultimate guide to yoga to learn how to get started.

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3. Take your dog for a walk

While it’s long been known that a daily walk is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy weight and good health, the benefits of walking don’t stop there. New research has found that for those who have a genetic predisposition to obesity, a brisk, one-hour daily walk can cut that risk in half.

And why not take Fido with you on that walk? Your furry best friend can actually motivate you to be mentally and physically healthier. A study from the Journal of Physical Activity & Health found dog owners to be 34 percent likelier to be more active.

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4. Have sex

The lights are out; the house is quiet-what better way to spend an hour than by getting intimate with your partner. You’ll be able to rekindle the romance and reconnect with your loved one after a long week. And it gets better-an hour of sex can burn up to 250 calories for a 130-pound woman. The endorphins released during intercourse will leave you feeling happy and satisfied, and sex has even been found to relieve headaches by releasing the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain.

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5. Enjoy an eco-friendly meal

Help save the earth by eating raw for the evening. Prepare most of your eco-friendly meal ahead of time so you’re not stumbling in low-light trying to find utensils, then sit down and enjoy the healthy meal you’ve prepared by a soothing candlelight setting. By limiting your meal to raw ingredients, you’ll be filling up on healthy fruits and vegetables full of cancer- and disease-fighting antioxidants.

For menu inspiration, check out these recipes using only raw ingredients, courtesy of Toronto’s Live Food Bar.

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