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4 Ways to Perfect Your Form During At-Home Workouts

Want to prioritize fitness while you're in quarantine? Peter Levidis, a certified athletic therapist, shares how to master your form and prevent injury.

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What to consider before doing a digital workout

First of all, give yourself a pat on the back. I’m really glad that you want to prioritize your fitness. It is, after all, a key part of a healthy life.

As with anything else online, there are certain things to be wary about. In this case, it’s technique. It’s one thing to follow someone who looks good performing an exercise routine. It’s quite another to perform it wrong and feel soreness due to strain or injury.

To master your form and avoid trouble, there are a few things you should consider before doing a digital workout.

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1. Master the basics

Learning the basics of correct form is essential. Purchase a few virtual sessions with a certified personal trainer. Having a professional correct your form is the best way to learn it. An understanding of form means your sweat sessions will be safe and more effective. Plus, it can save you money in the long run by avoiding injury.

(For an effective at-home workout, you might want to consider purchasing some home exercise equipment.)

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2. Choose wisely

Be sure to consider the real-life credentials of an instructor before committing to a series of workouts on YouTube or an app. Remember, it’s the Internet, and anyone can create videos and gain followers. You want to take advice from someone who has a real knowledge of anatomy and whatever exercise they’re teaching. Ask yourself, “Does this person have a legitimate background in personal training, yoga or Pilates?” If the answer is no, find another source.

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3. Keep it low

Remember: Low-weight and low-impact workouts are the safest ones to do at home. Look for routines that mostly use your body weight—you’ll be surprised by how challenging they are. Workouts with light weights, resistance bands and stability balls are good, too. If you’re not completely confident in your form, don’t try high-impact exercises. Focus on mastering basic moves, such as squats, lunges and push-ups.

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4. Know your body

If you’ve had injuries in the past (I’ve had two knee surgeries and separated shoulders), you need to adapt the exercises from the video. A good online instructor will show options for regression and progression and give cues to watch for with each option. Another rule of thumb is to avoid rushing—try to follow a slower-than-usual tempo. You can rush between exercises but not the exercises themselves. Remember, you know your body the best. There’s a difference between pushing yourself within your limits and pushing yourself into the danger zone.

Peter Levidis is a certified athletic therapist at Sport Specialists

Next, check out the best streaming workouts for women.

Originally Published in Best Health Canada