You May Want to Swap Your Shaving Cream for a Shave Bar

Your shaving routine is about to get more eco-friendly—and hydrating.

Shaving cream has long irked me. As a teen, I’d buy the men’s version for shaving my legs because it was cheaper than women’s, which meant there’d always be a hint of a masculine scent under my Ralph Lauren Ralph perfume (IYKYK). When I switched to women’s, I found the electric pink hue of the gel and the artificial scent (“Raspberry Rain,” anyone?) to be needlessly off-putting. And when the shaving cream can would inconspicuously run out of product and I’d have to shave one leg with just suds from a bar of soap, I always got razor burn. Needless to say, I’ve been all too happy to see a new shaving product on the scene—the shave bar.

By now, you’re probably familiar with the beauty bar trend (see: shampoo bars), which helps reduce the amount of single-use plastics that end up in landfills. A shave bar is no different. Instead of a gel or foam packaged in a metal aerosol can with a plastic cap (both of which can be recycled, but often aren’t), it’s just a bar in paper packaging—that can replace up to five bottles of shaving cream.

One of the shave bars leading the way is by Canadian company Good Juju. The brand’s Moisturizing Shave Bar is formulated with good-for-your-skin ingredients including natural oils (like ​​coconut and jojoba seed) and butters (like cocoa and shea), all of which help boost skin’s hydration, reduce irritation and make it silky-smooth.

I’ve been using Good Juju’s shave bar for a few months, and unlike shaving cream, it doesn’t make my skin feel tight and dry, but hydrated and glowy. And unlike regular body soap, it hasn’t resulted in any razor burn. What’s more, Good Juju’s bar is made with rosemary and cedarwood essential oils, so it smells less like berry gummies (or fruity rain) and more like a high-end spa.

“Once you try our shave bar, you won’t ever go back,” says the Good Juju website. And I’m happy to confirm the brand’s right.

Good Juju Moisturizing Shave Bar, $15,

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