10 Things Your Bikini Waxer Secretly Wishes She Could Tell You

Your relationship with your waxer is an intimate one. And she likely knows your body better than your partner does. Find out what she’s really thinking and what you can do to have a better appointment.

waxer secrets, an illustration of a woman telling a secretillustration credit: shutterstock


Waxing is a big deal. Just imagine if your aesthetician couldn’t see you the few days before a beach vacay. It might ruin your holiday. And we give a lot of power to the person pulling our hair out. To find out what she’s thinking, we asked Lexi Miles, founder and beauty entrepreneur of Waxon, for her top bikini wax tips.

Find out how you can make their jobs easier – and cause yourself less pain and maybe even less embarrassment.

Bikini Wax Tip No. 1 – Stop trimming and cutting your body hair.

“The ideal length of hair for a flawless wax is the length of a grain of rice,” says Miles. “Although with some of our waxes, we can remove hair as short as one millimetre, it is important to get your hair on a growth schedule.” That means getting a wax hair removal treatment about every four to six weeks. That will give you the least amount of pain, she adds. Don’t over trim! While we’re talking about secrets, here are 8 secrets you should disclose to your gynecologist.

Bikini Wax Tip No. 2 – She wishes you’d do this one thing before your waxing appointment.

“Exfoliate,” exclaims Miles. “Always prepare hair – and skin – for removal by sloughing away dead skin cells. We recommend exfoliating against the direction of hair growth with an all-natural exfoliant ideally containing sugar or salt 12-24 hours before your appointment. Try our On the Rocks body scrub.” Plus, exfoliating is one of the ways to prevent ingrown hairs. 

Bikini Wax Tip No. 3 – Don’t cancel because you are on your period.

You don’t need to cancel last minute because of an unexpected visit from Aunt Flo. “Absolutely not,” says Miles. Just let your waxologist know before she starts. “You may be a bit more sensitive depending on where you are at in your cycle so we recommend taking a pain killer if you’re super sensitive,” she says. “Wear a tampon with the string tucked in.” You might also want to avoid any painful procedures (like waxing) during another sensitive time in your cycle. 

Bikini Wax Tip No. 4 – Do shower the day of your appointment.

It’s not because you’re being judged or because you smell down there. It’s because you need to exfoliate, says Miles. But it’s not that big of a deal if you don’t shower before your appointment. “However, if in a pinch, don’t worry about it as we do supply a refreshing wipe for below the belt waxing.”

Bikini Wax Tip No. 5 – Take a painkiller if you need to.

If you wince even before the strip is pulled, then it’s a good idea to take an ibuprofen or acetaminophen about a half-hour before your appointment. Miles also adds that our hormones can make waxing more painful than usual. So, if you’re near or on your period, it might help to take an over-the-counter pain med. And pregnancy can make you sensitive too, so tell your waxer, and she might be able to find ways to ease the feeling.

Bikini Wax Tip No. 6 – It’s not normal to bleed from a waxing.

When asked if bleeding is to be expected, Miles responds: “Absolutely not.” But that said, there are some situations when skin can “thin,” including anti-aging and acne medications, she says. “Threading can be a good alternative for thin or sensitive skin.”

Bikini Wax Tip No. 7 – You are not too hairy.

“Everybody thinks they are the hairiest, but in reality, no two people are alike,” says Miles. “But don’t worry – your waxologist will never judge [you], and it’s our goal to make you feel as comfortable as possible.”

Bikini Wax Tip No. 8 – Yes, she’s waxed that spot on someone else before.

Toes? Yup. Back? Yup. Bum. Yup? “No surprises,” says Miles. “We’ve seen it all and wax it all.” A waxer’s job is to wax. That’s what she’s there for. That’s what she’s been trained to do. “Building relationships with clients and meeting new exciting people every day [is] never a dull moment. Our business is about wellness and making people feel their best and most comfortable. We love being able to provide a superior service that leaves clients healthy and happy.”

Bikini Wax Tip No. 9 – Tipping is always appreciated.

You had a great experience, so a tip is appropriate. How much should you leave inside that teeny manila envelope at the spa reception desk? “Just like any service-based industry, 15 to 20 percent is normal.”

Bikini Wax Tip No. 10 – Don’t have sex (and do a few other things) after your appointment.

“After care is everything,” says Miles. And that means no sex, no working out and no super tight clothing for at least 12 hours after your waxing. You’ll get a better experience from your waxing and appreciate your waxer more.

Next, don’t miss these places you usually ignore when checking for skin cancer.

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