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12 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Take Melatonin

People are turning to melatonin supplements as an over-the-counter remedy for trouble sleeping. But do the pills really work, and are they safe?

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Melatonin for SleepPhoto Credit: Shutterstock

Melatonin helps control sleep

Roughly 40 percent of Canadians are affected by sleep disorders like insomnia. Eager for a cure, many people are trying the much-hyped supplement melatonin to promote sleep. But what exactly is melatonin? What are the melatonin side effects? Produced naturally by our body, melatonin is a hormone that lets us know it’s time for sleep. “Naturally produced internal melatonin does not induce sleep—is it the biochemical signal of darkness and tells the brain that it’s night, and in humans, night is associated with sleep,” says Steven Lockley, PhD, scientific advisor for Lighting Science. It’s released by the body in the hours before bed, helping to regulate our sleep/wake cycle. Here’s more on how it affects the body.

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White pills close upVolodymyr Krasyuk/Shutterstock

Supplements may regulate circadian rhythms

Because of how it affects sleep, the theory is that supplementing with melatonin can help people who have trouble falling asleep. However, scientific research has only shown it to strongly help when a person’s natural melatonin is out of whack—this happens to people who work at night or have jet lag. “Melatonin can make us sleepy but it is not a very good hypnotic unless you are trying to sleep at the ‘wrong’ circadian phase, such as a shift worker sleeping in the daytime, or trying to sleep at a new time zone after international travel,” Dr. Lockley says.

Before you start supplementing, you may want to try these soothing yoga poses which can help promote sleep.

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Retro alarm clock on the bedByjeng/Shutterstock

It doesn’t always work

Scientific studies are mixed on how well it works for general sleep problems—even though there are insomnia sufferers who report that taking melatonin helps them. “It is mildly beneficial in the treatment of long-term insomnia or sleep disorders,” says pharmacist Dave Walker, RPh, Medical Advisory Board member of the non-profit MedShadow Foundation that tracks medications and side effects. But if you’re a night owl with delayed sleep phase disorder, research does show taking melatonin may help you fall asleep at a more normal time and get up for work without feeling like a zombie. It may also be a good option to help you get through the effects of daylight saving time.

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Young beautiful girl or woman take a pill or tablet with a glass of water near the window in white shirt and grey robeLilja Malanjak/Shutterstock

It’s not addictive

Even given the question of its overall effectiveness, melatonin is often preferred by medical professionals instead of prescription drugs to treat sleeping problems because melatonin supplements are non-habit forming, don’t have any withdrawal symptoms, don’t pose a risk of fatal overdose, and don’t need an increased dosage over time. “It has not undergone formal safety review with the FDA, but a meta-review of existing research found it to have a good safety profile,” says Dr. Lockley. Basically, studies suggest it probably can’t hurt to try it. (These successful people have the most bizarre sleeping habits.)

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12 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Take Melatonintriocean/Shutterstock

Melatonin can cause side effects

Even so, those considering melatonin should be aware of some potential issues. “Melatonin side effects may include headaches, depression, daytime sleepiness, dizziness, joint pain, stomach cramps, and irritability,” Walker says. Some people have also reported vivid dreams. Although overdoses aren’t life-threatening, those using melatonin still need to be wary: “You should be cautious taking higher doses—20 mg to 30 mg doses may be harmful to adults,” says Walker.

If you notice any if these symptoms, you may have sleep apnea. 

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capsules and pills on plate with fork, diet and weight loss, ideaSabOlga/Shutterstock

It can interact with other meds

Melatonin isn’t for everybody. “The supplements can interact with a number of medications, including anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs, anticonvulsants, contraceptive drugs, diabetes medications, and medications that suppress the immune system (immunosuppressants),” Walker says. In addition, “do not use melatonin if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have an autoimmune disorder, a seizure disorder, or depression,” says sleep expert Richard Shane, PhD, creator of the sleep program called Sleep Easily. “Melatonin supplements may also increase blood pressure levels in people taking some hypertension medications.” Experts recommend you avoid the supplement if you’re in the habit of drinking coffee or alcohol in the evening; plus, you shouldn’t drive after taking melatonin.

These are the prescription medications you should NEVER mix with supplements.

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Sick little girl sleeping in bedsirtravelalot/Shutterstock

It may affect children’s development

Sleep issues are common in children, but sorry parents—melatonin is probably not wise for the younger set. “Children should not be given melatonin unless directed by a physician,” Walker says. Dr. Lockley agrees: “We do not recommend melatonin for children,” he says. Researchers haven’t extensively tested the hormone in kids; animal research suggests it may affect reproductive development during puberty. Although some studies suggest it could help children with neuro-developmental disorders such as autism, for most children the unknown risks don’t outweigh the benefits. Parents looking for an easy fix for common childhood sleep problems should try other methods first, like a regular bedtime routine—and be sure to talk to their child’s pediatrician before giving melatonin.

Don’t miss these 13 strange things that could be wrecking your sleep.

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African woman taking her

You may need a different dose

To avoid negative side effects, take the lowest dose that will work for you. “Generally doses of 0.2 mg to 5 mg are recognized as a starting dose range for melatonin supplements,” Walker says. “I often see people taking 3 to 5 mg daily. If you don’t get results you may increase the dose slowly over a period of days or weeks.” Dr. Shane suggests a dosage of 1 to 3mg. But because the FDA doesn’t regulate supplements, different brands may not have the same potency—even if their label says they do, research shows. Because of this, you should be conservative in your dosage, especially when first taking it. Check out these 8 unexpected reasons why you can’t sleep at night.

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top view of shirtless man hiding face with pillow while sleeping in bedLightField Studios/Shutterstock

It can mess up sleep if taken at the wrong time

Melatonin supplements may not work the way you think they do—you can’t just pop one before bed. “Taking melatonin at bedtime may not work for you at all since melatonin is a sleep-regulating hormone, not a sleeping pill,” Walker says. “It should be taken at a time that will enhance your normal, naturally occurring melatonin levels. These generally increase when nightfall approaches, depending on the season, and usually peak between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. for most people. So taking it 30 to 90 minutes before bedtime works for some people; others with different types of sleep disorders may benefit by taking it two to three hours before bedtime.”

Here’s what a psychologist suggests you do to treat insomnia.

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Woman hand holding contraceptive pill ready to eat.NUM LPPHOTO/Shutterstock

Different types affect the body similarly

At the drugstore, you may be overwhelmed by the different brands and types of melatonin supplements. “Melatonin is available as tablets, capsules, gummies, chewable tablets, and even mouth sprays. I’m not aware that any form is better than another,” Walker says. But again, “since melatonin is sold as a supplement, it is not FDA-approved or monitored and there can be wide variation from one manufacturer to another,” he says. “Pick a reliable brand and stick to it if it seems to work for you.” Dr. Shane recommends Best Rest by Pure Encapsulations. “It contains melatonin and a combination of other sleep-inducing ingredients,” he says.

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Long-term effects on the body are unknown

Melatonin supplements are safe, but it’s still probably best to only take them until your sleep schedule is back on track. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, less is known about long-term safety. “Melatonin is considered safe to take for short-term use to help control disrupted sleep cycles for a few days, weeks or months,” Walker says. “Its overall effectiveness in long-term use is questionable.” Also, if melatonin doesn’t seem to be working for you, stop taking it. (Maybe consider trying these 3 yoga teacher-approved techniques.) As always, talk to your doctor about any ongoing sleep problems you’re having in order to work out the best solution for you.

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young attractive brunette woman in bedroom opening curtain, looking in window, morning time, smiling, lifestyle, natural beauty, feeling comfortable at homeMRProduction/Shutterstock

How to help your natural melatonin work

Although supplements may help, there are also other (less costly) ways to boost your body’s natural melatonin. “You can increase melatonin production by getting exposure to sunlight in the morning and afternoon,” Dr. Shane says. “Blue light from your computer or phone interferes with the brain’s production of melatonin, so stop using computer and phone one hour before bedtime, and stay at least six feet away from your television screen.” Learn more on how blue light is affecting to your health.

Dr. Lockley explains it might not be the level of melatonin itself that needs adjusting, as that varies between people, but rather the duration and timing of its release. “In the hours before sleep, we want to reduce the intensity and the blue-content to help the brain think it’s night and induce sleep,” he says. Turn lights low and follow a relaxing evening routine. In addition, Dr. Shane recommends a pre-bedtime snack of foods rich in melatonin, such as goji berries, walnuts, almonds, pineapple, bananas, and oranges. Next, find out 10 things your sleep habits are trying to tell you.

The Healthy
Originally Published on The Healthy