
5 looks for the stylish traveller

Whether you're beach bound or an urban adventurer, the key to stylish and comfortable travel is the right gear. Click...

Healthy travel: What to see and do in Canmore

Whether you're looking for March break ideas or a holiday off the beaten bath, you'll fall in love with the...

Healthy Canada: Quebec City

This riverside city offers plenty to do and see off the beaten track

Healthy Canada: Vancouver

From hiking trails and water activities to local fare and plenty of activewear shopping options, here's how to stay fit...

Fitness-friendly hotel chains

From travel-friendly workout gear to hotel lending programs, it's now easier than ever to stay active on vacation

4 Canadian yoga adventures

Stretch your muscles and your mind with one of these Canadian yoga adventures

How to get over your fear of flying

Does the idea of having to fly leave you terrified? You may not fall in love with flying, but these...

6 tips on travelling with diabetes

There's no reason diabetes should hold you back from travelling, as long as you take some reasonable precautions to make...

Outdoor winter vacations in Canada

They're cheaper, healthier and more eco-friendly than heading south. Check out these 6 options for winter vacations in your own...

The joys of surfing

Canadian women are increasingly discovering the joys of surfing on our own shores'and farther south. Here's why "hanging 10" is...

4 healthy airport snacks

Airports aren't well known for their healthy-eating picks, but you can find nutritious snacks and meals. Here are some good...

Pro beauty tips for easy travel

Long waits at the airport, dry airplane air, sleep and healthy-food deprivation'they've all made air travel a real beauty challenge....

How to beat jet lag

A nutritionist and sleep doctor let us in on good food choices and how to handle jet lag like a...

9 secrets to staying healthy on cruises

Working on-board a cruise ship, our writer learned how to avoid buffet bingeing and other curses of cruising. Here are...

Get it together: Your life

Learn to meditate, find new sex games, and more

How to stay healthy while you travel

Travelling in less developed parts of the world presents challenges that require vigilance during the trip